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5 ways to do a “complete spring cleaning” for your health
We often think of spring as a time of rebirth and renewal. It is the time of year when we usually clean the closet, organize the drawers and put the house in order.

This “complete spring cleaning” idea is not only aesthetically pleasing. Several studies show that there is a correlation between having a clean and tidy house and greater productivity, better mood, better quality of sleep, and less anxiety and stress. 1

But why limit it to just your home? Now is the ideal time Lenvaxen 4mg (Lenvatinib) to also do a “complete spring cleaning” for your health, so to speak. These are five simple, everyday things you can do to boost your health and better manage your prescription medications.

1. Organize your medicine cabinet
Simplify your medicine cabinet with a minimalist mindset. Keep only the essential things, the medications you are currently using and those you may need in an emergency. Check expiration dates and properly dispose of expired medications . This ensures that the medications you have on hand are safe and effective.

Don't forget to keep all your medications in their original containers and store them in a cool, dark place that is elevated and far away, where they cannot be easily seen or reached, to avoid misuse of medications .

[Image: 39-1.jpg]

2. Create a medication schedule
Your medications work best if you take them as directed by your doctor . If you simplify your medication routine and establish a clear medication schedule, you are more likely to take them correctly.

Use a weekly pill organizer to plan your entire week's doses, set alarms or reminders to take your medications on time, or get into the habit of taking your medications when you do a specific daily activity, like brushing your teeth or getting dressed.

If you still have trouble taking your medications consistently, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. They may be able to make other suggestions to help you.

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